
The Yuletide Story Feast ~ At the turning of the year, all Tir-na-nOg groups join together to celebrate the work of the Autumn term. Actors work hard with their scripts to be ready for their performances. This occasion is also an opportunity for students to sign up for the Annual Playwright Challenge. 

Tir-na-nOg’s Annual Playwright Challenge The Playwright Challenge is an optional annual program in the Tir-na-nOg Theatre School’s yearly cycle. As a collaborative celebration of the live theatre work of children, the submitted play must be the original work of the student, springing from the ideas of the child. The intent is to offer the young people in the Theatre School an opportunity to express their imaginations through this medium, in their own unique way. The play can be any length, style or format, depending on the student’s ideas. After the plays have been handed in, we meet together, read the plays, discuss plans and possible hurdles and help prepare productions for the Tir-na-nOg stage. The young playwrights support each other as actors, backstage helpers and directors, if they so wish, and sometimes invite their friends to help, where it seems appropriate. The Playwright Jam event completes the Annual Youth Festival of Plays. 

Tir-na-nOg Theatre School’s Annual Youth Festival of Plays The Annual Youth Festival of Plays is a celebration of the work of Tir-na-nOg students in performances of plays for the Community of Bowen Island and Beyond. The Festival features a different play each weekend and on some weekdays, special performances for school audiences. Recognizing that experience is the real teacher, we have organized the annual Youth Festival of Plays so that each student has the opportunity to test and temper skills learned during the course of the year in the fire of live performance before community and school audiences. S.A.V.I. Programme ~ Students have the opportunity to support a production (other than their own) in the annual Youth Festival of Plays, either on or off stage.

Tir-na-nOg’s Annual Summer Stage Intensive Embrace the pure joy and delight of building a play together over a two week period with two performances over the Labour Day weekend. The Summer Stage Intensive 2023 runs from August 21st through to September 1st with performances on Saturday September 2nd and Sunday September 3rd.

Script Support /Play Quests/Play Readings/Internships

Theatre Arts by Young People for the World!

Copyright © 2024-2025 ~ The Tir-na-nOg Theatre School ~ est. 1988 ~ All rights reserved.